Guild Quest
1 Quest🌎 Global
Space Nation
Space Nation

Nov 28 / 12:00am GMT - Jan 8 / 11:59pm GMT

Space Armada
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This quest is designed to encourage guild collaboration and boost guild member engagement by participating in regular resource donation drives.

How to Join

  1. You must be a member of a guild registered with YGG’s onchain guilds feature to participate.
  2. Visit the Space Nation Website to download and install the game.
  3. Increase your guild’s EXP by donating strategic materials.


  1. Be a member of a guild registered with YGG’s onchain guilds feature.
  2. Visit the Space Nation Website to download and install the game.
  3. Create or join a guild using the in-game guild system.
  4. Increase your guild’s EXP by donating strategic materials.
  5. The top 5 onchain guilds with the most number of EXP accumulated during the GAP season 8 time period will be eligible for rewards.
  6. Appeals for proof of completion will be accepted until January 6, 2025
Quest Ended
Be a member of a guild
At least 10 members in your guild